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Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The morning after the election and all the drive-by media outlets are pushing the idea that Americans elected so many Republicans and Tea Partiers because we want compromise.  HA!  Do we want our newly elected representatives to compromise with the President on health care, financial reform, bailouts, handouts, the swelling of the size of government?  No!  I want them to put the brakes on President Obama's agenda.  I would rather see nothing passed than more big government intervention into our lives and businesses.  I want them to counter everything Obama tries to ram through.  I want the government to leave hard-working, honest, entrepreneurial Americans alone.  I don't want my tax dollars to go to redistribution of wealth.  America is founded on the principle of freedom. We need to be unencumbered by our government to achieve all that in is our will and hearts to achieve.  If Obamacare cannot not be successfully repealed than I want it to be deadened by not providing the funding for it to be implemented.  I want government spending to shrink.  I want the main focus of spending to be for wrapping up and getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan (and I want Osama Bin Laden caught).  The only place I'm willing to support more spending is in successfully completing our wars and strengthening our military. It is ridiculous that America is not willing to give our young men and women the very best equipment to their jobs effectively, but we are willing to spend billions to bail out car companies.  If Obama, Reid, and Pelosi want compromise than they can bend to the will of the American people by cutting spending, cutting taxes, reducing the deficit, and getting out of our way. 

1 comment:

Emily said...

Well said! It has been crazy here in DC this past month.